Gilberto Chamba

The Monster of Machala

  Active for 17 years
(1988-2004) in Ecuador, Spain




Jump to:
  1. Summary
  2. Serial Killer Profile
  3. Serial Killer Type
  4. General Information
  5. Characteristics
  6. Childhood
  7. Cognitive Ability
  8. Incarceration
  9. Death
  10. 4 Timeline Events
  11. Serial Killers Active During Spree
  12. Boolean Statistical Questions
  13. 9 Books About Gilberto Chamba
  14. 5 External References
  15. Internal References

Gilberto Chamba (Gilberto Antonio Chamba Jaramillo) an Ecuadorian serial killer rapist and taxi driver known as The Monster of Machala. Chamba abducted ten of his passengers, all lone female students, killing eight of them between 1988 and 1993. Chamba skewered some of his victims with an instrument similar to a cane. Chamba was sentenced to sixteen years in prison and later benefitted from an amnesty campaign that cleared his criminal record. He moved to Spain where he was arrested for the murder of another student and the attempted murder of a prostitute in 2004. In 2005, Gilberto Chamba was sentenced to forty-five years in prison.

Gilberto Chamba Serial Killer Profile

Serial Killer Gilberto Chamba (aka) The Monster of Machala, was active for 17 years between 1988-2004, known to have ( 9 confirmed / 9 possible ) victims. This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: Spain

Gilberto Chamba a heterosexual male citizen of Ecuador. He married Mariela Chamba. He had two daughters.

Prior to his spree he had killed, commited crimes, served time in jail, and served time in prison.

In 1988 Gilberto Chamba started his killing spree, during his crimes as a serial killer he was known to strangle, rape, and murder his victims. At the time of his crimes he was living with his wife Mariela and his two daughters, where he was known to work as a serial killer.

He was arrested on December 1st 2004, convicted on November 5th 2006, sentenced to forty-five years in prison at Module 6, Center Penitenciari de Quatre Camins in Spain. He was convicted on charges of murder and other possible charges during his lifetime.

Profile Completeness: 66%
serial killers by profile completeness

Gilberto Chamba has been listed on Killer.Cloud since November of 2016 and was last updated 6 years ago.

Gilberto Chamba a known:

Gilberto Chamba
Serial Killer Profile:

Updated: 2019-02-06 Collected by Killer.Cloud
General Information
Name: Gilberto Chamba
Nickname: The Monster of Machala
Victims: 9 - 9
Years Active: 1988 - 2004
Active Countries: Spain
Convicted Of: murder
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Ecuador
Sexual Preference: heterosexual
Marital Status: married Mariela Chamba
Children: two daughters
Living With: his wife Mariela and his two daughters
Occupation: serial killer
Childhood Information
D.O.B.: N/A
Given Name: Gilberto
Birth Location: Machala, El Oro Province, Ecuador
Birth Order: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Raised By: N/A
Birth Category: N/A
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A

Cognitive Ability
Highest School: N/A
Highest Degree:

Arrested: Dec 1, 2004
Convicted: Nov 5, 2006
Sentence: forty-five years in prison
Prison Location: Module 6, Center Penitenciari de Quatre Camins in Spain
Executed: N/A
Previous Crimes: TRUE
Previous Jail: TRUE
Previous Prison: TRUE

Death Information
Death Date: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Death Location: N/A
Killed In Prison: N/A
Suicide: N/A
4 Timeline Events of Serial Killer
Gilberto Chamba

The 4 dates listed below represent a timeline of the life and crimes of serial killer Gilberto Chamba. A complete collection of serial killer events can be found on our Serial Killer Timeline.

Date Event Description
Gilberto Chamba started his serial killing spree. #1988
Gilberto Chamba ended his serial killing spree. #2004
Dec 01 2004
Gilberto Chamba arrested. #20041201
Nov 05 2006
Gilberto Chamba was convictedand sentenced to forty-five years in prison at Module 6, Center Penitenciari de Quatre Camins in Spain.  #20061105

20 / 40
Serial Killer
Boolean Questions:
living with children TRUE 268
previous crimes TRUE 367
previous jail TRUE 352
previous prision TRUE 336
previous killed TRUE 208
used weapon TRUE 453
rape TRUE 453
strangle TRUE 443
physically defect FALSE 300
speach defect FALSE 300
head injury FALSE 299
used gun FALSE 451
torture FALSE 426
stalk FALSE 418
bound FALSE 406
sex with body FALSE 430
mutilated FALSE 447
ate part of body FALSE 451
drank blood FALSE 442
robbed FALSE 418

Books that Mention Gilberto Chamba

Book: Serial Killer Stranglers (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Kevin Smith
Serial Killer Stranglers
Book: Serial Killer Rapists (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Kevin Smith
Serial Killer Rapists
Book: Crimen y criminales I (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Francisco Pérez Abel...
Crimen y criminales I
Book: Depredadores humanos (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Janire Ramila Sanche...
Depredadores humanos
Book: La democracia en la calle (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Gilberto Guevara Nie...
La democracia en la calle
Book: Technologies and Innovation (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Rafael Valencia-Garc...
Technologies and Innovation
Book: Serial Krimes (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Stéphane Bourgoin
Serial Krimes
Book: Los muertos viajan deprisa (mentions serial killer Gilberto Chamba)
Nieves Abarca
Los muertos viajan deprisa

9 Books that mention Serial Killer
Gilberto Chamba

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
1733630600 Serial Killer Stranglers 164
1733630619 Serial Killer Rapists 266
8499670024 Crimen y criminales I 1
849967030x Depredadores humanos 2
9682314682 La democracia en la calle 1
3319480243 Technologies and Innovati... 1
2246855098 Serial Krimes 4
1231616385 Asesinos en Serie 2
8490693293 Los muertos viajan depris... 1

Gilberto Antonio Chamba Jaramillo (born 1963) is an Ecuadorian serial killer, convicted of murdering 9 people in Ecuador and Spain.Known as the "Monster of Machala," he was convicted of several murders in south-west Ecuador, but was released under an amnesty, and moved to Spain where he committed a murder. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison in Spain on November 5, 2006.

External References
  1. Q5879606 on, Retrieved on Oct 9, 2018.
  2. Gilberto Chamba on, Retrieved on Nov 15, 2018.
  3. Juan Ignacio Blanco, Gilberto Antonio CHAMBA on, Retrieved on Nov 15, 2018.
  4. Gilberto Chamba on, Retrieved on Nov 15, 2018.
  5. Gilberto Chamba on, Retrieved on May 22, 2019.
Internal References

Gilberto Chamba is included in the following pages on Killer.Cloud the Serial Killer Database

  1. #4 of 10[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killers active in Spain
  2. #78 of 651[ Page 6 ] of the A-Z List of Serial Killers
  3. #84 of 651[ Page 6 ] of serial killers sorted by Years Active
  4. #85 of 250[ Page 6 ] of Serial Killer Stranglers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  5. #103 of 307[ Page 7 ] of Serial Killer Rapist sorted by Confirmed Victims
  6. #196 of 651[ Page 14 ] of serial killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  7. #350 of 651[ Page 24 ] of serial killers sorted by Profile Completeness
Serial Killers Statistics, charts Gilberto Chamba is included in: Active Serial Killers by Country, Serial Killers By Gender, Sexual Preference, Active Serial Killers by Year and Statistical Boolean Questions.
Years Active: