Ahmad Suradji

The Sorcerer

  Active for 12 years
(1986-1997) in Indonesia




Jump to:
  1. Summary
  2. Serial Killer Profile
  3. Serial Killer Type
  4. General Information
  5. Characteristics
  6. Childhood
  7. Cognitive Ability
  8. Incarceration
  9. Death
  10. 10 Timeline Events
  11. Serial Killers Active During Spree
  12. Boolean Statistical Questions
  13. 12 Books About Ahmad Suradji
  14. 4 External References
  15. Internal References

Ahmad Suradji an Indonesian serial killer known as The Sorcerer, Nasib Kelewang, Datuk Maringgi and Dukun AS. Suradji was convicted of strangling at least forty-two women and girls in a series of ritual slayings he believed would give him magical powers. In order to achieve even more magical power he drank the victims saliva, having to reach a total of seventy victims, before ascending into a Dukan, as foretold by his dead father in a dream. Some victims were even charged money in exchange for a magic ritual to be performed, instead Suradji would bury the victim up to their waist in a cornfield and strangle them with a cable. Once dead Suradji would dig up the victim to undress and rebury the victim naked. Ahmad Suradji was executed by firing squad in 2008.

Ahmad Suradji Serial Killer Profile

Serial Killer Ahmad Suradji (aka) The Sorcerer, was active for 12 years between 1986-1997, known to have ( 42 confirmed / 80 possible ) victims. This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: Indonesia

Ahmad Suradji was born on January 10th 1949 in Medan, Indonesia.

Ahmad Suradji a heterosexual male citizen of Indonesia. He married to three wives (all sisters). He had no children mentioned.

In 1986 (Age 36/37) Ahmad Suradji started his killing spree, during his crimes as a serial killer he was known to strangle, stalk, and murder his victims. He was known to kill victims at his own home. He would keep personal items from the victim after the crime. He positioned or posed at least one body after death. At the time of his crimes he was living with his three wives at his house on the outskirts of Medan, the capital of North Sumatra., where he was known to work as a serial killer.

He was arrested on May 2nd 1997 (Age 48), convicted on April 27th 1998 (Age 49), sentenced to death by firing squad at a prison in Medan, Indonesia. He was convicted on charges of murder and other possible charges during his lifetime. Ahmad Suradji was executed on July 10th 2008 (Age 59).

Ahmad Suradji died on July 10th 2008 (Age 59), cause of death: capital punishment, executed by firing squad at a prison in Medan, Indonesia.

Profile Completeness: 65%
serial killers by profile completeness

Ahmad Suradji has been listed on Killer.Cloud since November of 2016 and was last updated 6 years ago.

Ahmad Suradji a known:

Ahmad Suradji
Serial Killer Profile:

Updated: 2019-01-27 Collected by Killer.Cloud
General Information
Name: Ahmad Suradji
Nickname: The Sorcerer
Victims: 42 - 80
Years Active: 1986 - 1997
Ages Active: 36/37 - 47/48
Active Countries: Indonesia
Convicted Of: murder
Life Span: 1949 - 2008
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Indonesia
Sexual Preference: heterosexual
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Dec 22 - Jan 20
Birth Month: January
Marital Status: married to three wives (all sisters)
Children: no children mentioned
Living With: his three wives at his house on the outskirts of Medan, the capital of North Sumatra.
Occupation: serial killer
Childhood Information
D.O.B.: Jan 10, 1949
Given Name: Ahmad
Birth Location: Medan, Indonesia
Birth Order: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Raised By: N/A
Birth Category: N/A
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A

Cognitive Ability
Highest School: N/A
Highest Degree:

Arrested: May 2, 1997 (Age 48)
Convicted: Apr 27, 1998 (Age 49)
Sentence: death by firing squad
Prison Location: a prison in Medan, Indonesia
Executed: Jul 10, 2008 (Age 59)
Previous Crimes: N/A
Previous Jail: N/A
Previous Prison: N/A

Death Information
Death Date: Jul 10, 2008 (Age 59)
Manner of Death: capital punishment
Cause of Death: executed by firing squad
Death Location: a prison in Medan, Indonesia
Killed In Prison: FALSE
Suicide: FALSE
10 Timeline Events of Serial Killer
Ahmad Suradji

The 10 dates listed below represent a timeline of the life and crimes of serial killer Ahmad Suradji. A complete collection of serial killer events can be found on our Serial Killer Timeline.

Date Event Description
Jan 10 1949Ahmad Suradji was born in Medan, Indonesia.  #19490110
Jan 10 1969
(Age 20)
20th Birthday
Jan 10 1979
(Age 30)
30th Birthday
(Age 36/37)
Ahmad Suradji started his serial killing spree. #1986
Jan 10 1989
(Age 40)
40th Birthday
(Age 47/48)
Ahmad Suradji ended his serial killing spree. #1997
May 02 1997
(Age 48)
Ahmad Suradji arrested. #19970502
Apr 27 1998
(Age 49)
Ahmad Suradji was convictedand sentenced to death by firing squad at a prison in Medan, Indonesia.  #19980427
Jan 10 1999
(Age 50)
50th Birthday
Jul 10 2008
(Age 59)
Ahmad Suradjiwas executed.cause of death:capital punishment,executed by firing squadat a prison in Medan, Indonesia. #20080710

14 / 40
Serial Killer
Boolean Questions:
kill at killers home TRUE 320
used weapon TRUE 453
stalk TRUE 418
strangle TRUE 443
posed body TRUE 365
totem personal item TRUE 354
suicide FALSE 225
killed in prison FALSE 218
kill at victims home FALSE 323
used gun FALSE 451
blindfold FALSE 363
bound FALSE 406
totem body part FALSE 365
robbed FALSE 418

Books that Mention Ahmad Suradji

Book: Serial Killer Stranglers (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Kevin Smith
Serial Killer Stranglers
Book: The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Michael Newton
The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers
Book: Killer Book of Serial Killers (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Tom Philbin
Killer Book of Serial Killers
Book: Serial Killers Encyclopedia (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
RJ Parker
Serial Killers Encyclopedia
Book: Wanted Undead Or Alive (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Jonathan Maberry
Wanted Undead Or Alive
Book: Inside the Minds of Serial Killers (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Katherine M. Ramslan...
Inside the Minds of Serial Killers
Book: Inside the Minds of Healthcare Seri... (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Katherine M. Ramslan...
Inside the Minds of Healthcare Serial Killers
Book: Jejak pembunuh berantai (mentions serial killer Ahmad Suradji)
Hermawan Aksan
Jejak pembunuh berantai

Ahmad Suradji (10 January 1949 – 10 July 2008) was an Indonesian serial killer who admitted to killing 42 girls and women between 1986 and 1997. His victims ranged in age from 11 to 30, and were strangled after being buried up to their waists in the ground as part of a ritual. He buried his victims in a sugarcane plantation near his home, with their heads facing his house, which he believed would give him extra power.

External References
  1. Ahmad Suradji on en.wikipedia.org, Retrieved on Sep 18, 2018.
  2. Juan Ignacio Blanco, Ahmad SURADJI on murderpedia.org, Retrieved on Sep 18, 2018.
  3. Q400815 on www.wikidata.org, Retrieved on Oct 9, 2018.
  4. Thomas Bell, Black Magic Killer executed for 42 murders on www.telegraph.co.uk, Retrieved on Jan 16, 2019.
Internal References

Ahmad Suradji is included in the following pages on Killer.Cloud the Serial Killer Database

  1. #1 of 2[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killers active in Indonesia
  2. #2 of 53[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killer Stalkers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  3. #3 of 55[ Page 1 ] of Capricorn Serial Killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  4. #4 of 56[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killers with birthdays in January
  5. #8 of 250[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killer Stranglers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  6. #19 of 651[ Page 2 ] of serial killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  7. #141 of 651[ Page 10 ] of serial killers sorted by Years Active
  8. #358 of 651[ Page 24 ] of serial killers sorted by Profile Completeness
  9. #579 of 651[ Page 39 ] of the A-Z List of Serial Killers
Serial Killers Statistics, charts Ahmad Suradji is included in: Active Serial Killers by Country, Serial Killers By Gender, Age of Serial Killer by Date, Killers By Astrological Sign, Killers By Birth Month, Sexual Preference, Mannor of Death, Active Serial Killers by Year and Statistical Boolean Questions.
Years Active: