Harold Schechter (Author)

Harold Schechter has authored/co-authored at least 16 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include Herbert Mullin, Jeffrey Dahmer, William Devin Howell, Stewart Wilken, Lizzie Halliday, Vasili Komaroff, Anatoly Onoprienko, Earle Leonard Nelson, Henry Lee Lucas, and Lydia Sherman. Florencio Fernández, Henry Louis Wallace, Paul John Knowles, Carlton Gary, John Wayne Gacy, Albert Fish, Melvin Rees, Jose Antonio Rodriguez Vega, John Eric Armstrong, Long Island Serial Killer, and 24 other serial killers.

Harold Schechter has 16 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include Ballantine Books, Simon and Schuster, Random House Digital, Inc., Grinning Man Press, Amok Press, Little a, Macmillan, The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Harold Schechter.

Serial Killer Quarterly Vol.1 No.3 “Unsolved in North America” by: Harold Schechter ISBN10: 099382322x
Harold Schechter
Serial Killer Quarterly Vol.1 No.3 “Unsolved...
Panzram by: Thomas E. Gaddis ISBN10: 1878923145
Thomas E. Gaddis
Psycho USA by: Harold Schechter ISBN10: 0345524489
Harold Schechter
Psycho USA
Bestial by: Harold Schechter ISBN10: 1439117306
Harold Schechter

16 books Authored by
Harold Schechter

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
0345472004 The Serial Killer Files 20
1416521747 The A to Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers 7
1439117306 Bestial 1
1439138850 The A to Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers 8
0345465660 The Serial Killer Files 5
099382322x Serial Killer Quarterly Vol.1 No.3 “Unsolved... 1
1878923145 Panzram 1
0345524489 Psycho USA 2
1439187851 Deranged 1
1476729123 Fatal 2
1477808957 Hell's Princess 1
0345524470 Psycho USA 2
1477808949 Hell's Princess 2
067101448x Fiend 2
0312282761 Savage Pastimes 1
1476729131 Fiend 1