William Heirens

The Lipstick Killer

  Active for 2 years
(1945-1946) in United States




Jump to:
  1. Summary
  2. Serial Killer Profile
  3. Serial Killer Type
  4. General Information
  5. Characteristics
  6. Childhood
  7. Cognitive Ability
  8. Incarceration
  9. Death
  10. 13 Timeline Events
  11. Serial Killers Active During Spree
  12. Boolean Statistical Questions
  13. 8 Books About William Heirens
  14. 8 External References
  15. Internal References

William Heirens an American serial killer and burglar known as The Lipstick Killer. Heirens stabbed three females between 1945 and 1946. Heirens was called the Lipstick Killer after a message he left written in lipstick on a wall at a crime scene. The message read "For heavens, Sake catch me, Before I kill more, I cannot control myself". He left other notes at later crime scenes. Heirens was arrested in 1946 on attempted burglary charges when a witness saw him breaking into an apartment and called the police. Heirens fled the scene and was later captured by two uniformed officers, reports of his gun misfiring lead to his arrest. He confessed and recanted numerous confessions. William Heirens was sentenced to life in prison in 1946.

William Heirens Serial Killer Profile

Serial Killer William Heirens (aka) The Lipstick Killer, was active for 2 years between 1945-1946, known to have ( 3 confirmed / 3 possible ) victims. This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: United States

William Heirens was born on November 15th 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, US. He was born 1st of 2 children and raised by both parents. He was raised as a oldest child and had one younger brother. His father, George Heirens. His mother, Margaret Heirens. His father abused alcohol and/or drugs.

William Heirens a heterosexual male citizen of the United States of America. He completed 13 years of school, received a high school diploma. He gained part of his education while attending University of Chicago. He never married. He had no children.

Prior to his spree he had commited crimes.

In 1945 (Age 16/17) William Heirens started his killing spree, during his crimes as a serial killer he was known to rob, strangle, mutilate, and murder his victims. William Heirens used a weapon and was in possession of a firearm during his crimes. He was known to kill at the home of the victim.

He was arrested on June 26th 1946 (Age 17), convicted on September 5th 1946 (Age 17), sentenced to life imprisonment, three life terms at Dixon Correctional Center minimum security prison in Dixon, Illinois, US. He was convicted on charges of murder and other possible charges during his lifetime.

William Heirens died on March 5th 2012 (Age 83), cause of death: natural causes, diabetes mellitus at University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, US.

Profile Completeness: 97%
serial killers by profile completeness

William Heirens has been listed on Killer.Cloud since November of 2016 and was last updated 6 years ago.

William Heirens a known:

William Heirens
Serial Killer Profile:

Updated: 2019-02-17 Collected by Killer.Cloud
General Information
Name: William Heirens
Nickname: The Lipstick Killer
Victims: 3 - 3
Years Active: 1945 - 1946
Ages Active: 16/17 - 17/18
Active Countries: United States
Convicted Of: murder
Life Span: 1928 - 2012
Gender: Male
Citizenship: United States of America
Sexual Preference: heterosexual
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Oct 23 - Nov 22
Birth Month: November
Marital Status: never married
Children: no children
Living With: N/A
Occupation: serial killer
Childhood Information
D.O.B.: Nov 15, 1928
Given Name: William
Birth Location: Chicago, Illinois, US
Birth Order: 1st of 2
Siblings: one younger brother
Raised By: both parents
Birth Category: oldest child
Mother: Margaret Heirens
Father: George Heirens

Cognitive Ability
Highest School: 13 years of school
Highest Degree: high school diploma
Educated At: University of Chicago

Arrested: Jun 26, 1946 (Age 17)
Convicted: Sep 5, 1946 (Age 17)
Sentence: life imprisonment, three life terms
Prison Location: Dixon Correctional Center minimum security prison in Dixon, Illinois, US
Executed: N/A
Previous Crimes: TRUE
Previous Jail: FALSE
Previous Prison: FALSE

Death Information
Death Date: Mar 5, 2012 (Age 83)
Manner of Death: natural causes
Cause of Death: diabetes mellitus
Death Location: University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, US
Killed In Prison: FALSE
Suicide: FALSE
13 Timeline Events of Serial Killer
William Heirens

The 13 dates listed below represent a timeline of the life and crimes of serial killer William Heirens. A complete collection of serial killer events can be found on our Serial Killer Timeline.

Date Event Description
Nov 15 1928William Heirens was born in Chicago, Illinois, US.  #19281115
(Age 16/17)
William Heirens started his serial killing spree. #1945
(Age 17/18)
William Heirens ended his serial killing spree. #1946
Jun 26 1946
(Age 17)
William Heirens arrested. #19460626
Sep 05 1946
(Age 17)
William Heirens was convictedand sentenced to life imprisonment, three life terms at Dixon Correctional Center minimum security prison in Dixon, Illinois, US.  #19460905
Nov 15 1948
(Age 20)
20th Birthday
Nov 15 1958
(Age 30)
30th Birthday
Nov 15 1968
(Age 40)
40th Birthday
Nov 15 1978
(Age 50)
50th Birthday
Nov 15 1988
(Age 60)
60th Birthday
Nov 15 1998
(Age 70)
70th Birthday
Nov 15 2008
(Age 80)
80th Birthday
Mar 05 2012
(Age 83)
William Heirensdied.cause of death:natural causes,diabetes mellitusat University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, US. #20120305
Back to top Serial Killers Active During

The following serial killers were active during the same time span as William Heirens (1945-1946).

Serial Killers By Active Year

40 / 40
Serial Killer
Boolean Questions:
father drug abuse TRUE 192
previous crimes TRUE 367
kill at victims home TRUE 323
used weapon TRUE 453
used gun TRUE 451
strangle TRUE 443
mutilated TRUE 447
robbed TRUE 418
living with children FALSE 268
suicide FALSE 225
killed in prison FALSE 218
mother drug abuse FALSE 195
xyy FALSE 81
problems in school FALSE 221
teased in school FALSE 218
physically defect FALSE 300
speach defect FALSE 300
head injury FALSE 299
physically abused FALSE 231
psychologically abused FALSE 224
sexually abused FALSE 226
drug abuse FALSE 226
alcohol abuse FALSE 226
psychologist FALSE 258
forensic hospital FALSE 257
previous jail FALSE 352
previous prision FALSE 336
previous killed FALSE 208
kill at killers home FALSE 320
rape FALSE 453
torture FALSE 426
stalk FALSE 418
blindfold FALSE 363
bound FALSE 406
sex with body FALSE 430
ate part of body FALSE 451
drank blood FALSE 442
posed body FALSE 365
totem body part FALSE 365
totem personal item FALSE 354

Books that Mention William Heirens

Book: Whoever Fights Monsters (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
Robert K. Ressler
Whoever Fights Monsters
Book: Signature Killers (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
Robert D. Keppel
Signature Killers
Book: Memory (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
Alison Winter
Book: Corroborating Evidence III (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
William T. Rasmussen
Corroborating Evidence III
Book: The Bloody Spur (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
Charles Einstein
The Bloody Spur
Book: Murders in the United States (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
R. Barri Flowers
Murders in the United States
Book: American Murder (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
Mike Mayo
American Murder
Book: Bloody Ivy (mentions serial killer William Heirens)
Chris Bobonich
Bloody Ivy

8 Books that mention Serial Killer
William Heirens

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
0312950446 Whoever Fights Monsters 4
0671001302 Signature Killers 6
0226902609 Memory 1
1611390141 Corroborating Evidence II... 1
1627551158 The Bloody Spur 1
0786420758 Murders in the United Sta... 32
1578592275 American Murder 4
1481740199 Bloody Ivy 2

William George Heirens (November 15, 1928 – March 5, 2012) was an American convicted serial killer who confessed to three murders in 1946. Heirens was called the Lipstick Killer after a notorious message scrawled in lipstick at a crime scene.

External References
  1. Q705276 on www.wikidata.org, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  2. William Heirens on en.wikipedia.org, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  3. Juan Ignacio Blanco, William George HEIRENS on murderpedia.org, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  4. Ashley Moyer, Brandy Powell, William Heirens on maamodt.asp.radford.edu, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  5. Guide to the The William Heirens Case Newspaper Clippings 1946-1949 on www.lib.uchicago.edu, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  6. Adam Higginbotham, The Long, Long Life of the Lipstick Killer on www.gq.com, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  7. Don Babwin, William Heirens, convicted Lipstick Killer, dies at 83 on www.washingtonpost.com, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
  8. William Heirens on www.serienkillers.de, Retrieved on Feb 17, 2019.
Internal References

William Heirens is included in the following pages on Killer.Cloud the Serial Killer Database

  1. #39 of 43[ Page 3 ] of Scorpio Serial Killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  2. #41 of 651[ Page 3 ] of serial killers sorted by Profile Completeness
  3. #47 of 51[ Page 4 ] of Serial Killers with birthdays in November
  4. #226 of 250[ Page 16 ] of Serial Killer Stranglers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  5. #249 of 651[ Page 17 ] of the A-Z List of Serial Killers
  6. #284 of 327[ Page 19 ] of Serial Killers active in the United States
  7. #447 of 651[ Page 30 ] of serial killers sorted by Years Active
  8. #575 of 651[ Page 39 ] of serial killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
Serial Killers Statistics, charts William Heirens is included in: Active Serial Killers by Country, Serial Killers By Gender, Age of Serial Killer by Date, Killers By Astrological Sign, Killers By Birth Month, Serial Killers IQ Level, Highest Degree Achieved, Sexual Preference, Birth Category, Mannor of Death, Active Serial Killers by Year and Statistical Boolean Questions.
Years Active: