Robert Keller (Author)

Robert Keller has authored/co-authored at least 15 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include Roger Kibbe, Sergei Ryakhovsky, Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, Fritz Honka, Lorenzo Fayne, Chester Turner, Tsutomu Miyazaki, David Meirhofer, Cory Deonn Morris, Erno Soto, Altemio Sanchez, Sean Vincent Gillis, and Albert Fish. Marcelo Costa de Andrade, Paul Rowles, Jack Spillman, Buddy Earl Justus, Bernard Giles, Jake Bird, Darren Deon Vann, and 11 other serial killers.

Robert Keller has 15 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include , The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Robert Keller.

15 books Authored by
Robert Keller

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
1535212683 True Crime: Soviet Monsters 4
1535210990 Human Monsters Volume 1 1
1981629440 50 American Serial Killers You've Probably Ne... 14
1535138408 50 American Serial Killers You?ve Probably Ne... 1
1535212292 True Crime: German Monsters 1
1535138378 50 American Serial Killers You?ve Probably Ne... 1
1535211059 Human Monsters Volume 3 1
1535212667 Confessions of a Cannibal 1
1534800786 Beyond Evil 1
1544618484 True Crime: American Monsters Vol. 12 2
1546637591 True Crime: British Monsters Vol. 4 1
1535162376 True Crime: American Monsters Vol. 9 1
1544000340 Asian Monsters 1
1534799249 Medical Monsters 1
1539449912 Blood Brothers Volume 2 1