Gerald Gallego

The Love Slave Killers, The Gallego Sex Slaves Killers

  Active for 3 years
(1978-1980) in United States




Jump to:
  1. Summary
  2. Serial Killer Profile
  3. Serial Killer Type
  4. General Information
  5. Characteristics
  6. Childhood
  7. Cognitive Ability
  8. Incarceration
  9. Death
  10. 10 Timeline Events
  11. Serial Killers Active During Spree
  12. Boolean Statistical Questions
  13. 8 Books About Gerald Gallego
  14. 8 External References
  15. Internal References

Gerald Gallego (Gerald Armond Gallego) an American serial killer along with his wife Charlene Gallego, were known as The Love Slave Killers and The Gallego Sex Slave Killers. Together they murdered ten victims in Sacramento, California between 1978 and 1980. Some of their victims were kept as sex slaves for the couple before they were murdered. They were known to beat, rape strangle and shoot their victims. They were arrested in 1980 when a witness reported the couples license plate number to authorities. Gerald Gallego was sentenced to death in 1984. In 2002, Gerald Gallego died of cancer in the prison medical center at Ely State Prison in Ely, Nevada while awaiting his execution.

Gerald Gallego Serial Killer Profile

Serial Killer Gerald Gallego (aka) The Love Slave Killers, The Gallego Sex Slaves Killers, was active for 3 years between 1978-1980, known to have ( 10 confirmed / 10 possible ) victims. This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: United States

Gerald Gallego was born on July 17th 1946 in Sacramento, California, US. He was raised by his mother and two different step-fathers. He was raised as a only child and had two half brothers, David Hunt and George Bulga, Jr.. His father, an unnamed man who was executed in the gas chamber, Gallego (Age 9). His mother, an unnamed woman who worked as a local prostitute. His mother abused alcohol and/or drugs. He had a head injury as well as a physically defect. During his education he had academic, social or discipline problems.

Gerald Gallego a bisexual male citizen of the United States of America. He married seven times. He had three, two daughters and one son.

Prior to his spree he had commited crimes, served time in jail, and served time in prison. He was known to abuse alcohol and drugs. He saw a psychologist.

In 1978 (Age 31/32) Gerald Gallego started his killing spree, during his crimes as a serial killer he was known to rob, strangle, rape, and murder his victims. Gerald Gallego used a weapon and was in possession of a firearm during his crimes. He was known to kill victims at his own home. At least one victim was tied, bound, or otherwise restrained during the crime. At the time of his crimes he was living with his wife Charlene in Sacramento, California, US.

He was arrested on November 17th 1980 (Age 34), convicted on June 21st 1983 (Age 36), sentenced to death by gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California, US.

Gerald Gallego died on July 18th 2002 (Age 56), cause of death: cancer at the prison medical center inside Ely State Prison in Ely, White Pine County, Nevada, US.

Profile Completeness: 91%
serial killers by profile completeness

Gerald Gallego has been listed on Killer.Cloud since September of 2018 and was last updated 5 years ago.

Gerald Gallego a known:

Gerald Gallego
Serial Killer Profile:

Updated: 2019-05-22 Collected by Killer.Cloud
General Information
Name: Gerald Gallego
Nickname: The Love Slave Killers, The Gallego Sex Slaves Killers
Victims: 10 - 10
Years Active: 1978 - 1980
Ages Active: 31/32 - 33/34
Active Countries: United States
Life Span: 1946 - 2002
Gender: Male
Citizenship: United States of America
Sexual Preference: bisexual
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Jun 21 - Jul 23
Birth Month: July
Marital Status: married seven times
Children: three, two daughters and one son
Living With: his wife Charlene in Sacramento, California, US
Childhood Information
D.O.B.: Jul 17, 1946
Given Name: Gerald
Birth Location: Sacramento, California, US
Birth Order: 1st of 1
Siblings: two half brothers, David Hunt and George Bulga, Jr.
Raised By: his mother and two different step-fathers
Birth Category: only child
Mother: an unnamed woman who worked as a local prostitute
Father: an unnamed man who was executed in the gas chamber, Gallego (Age 9)

Cognitive Ability
Highest School: N/A
Highest Degree:

Arrested: Nov 17, 1980 (Age 34)
Convicted: Jun 21, 1983 (Age 36)
Sentence: death by gas chamber
Prison Location: San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California, US
Executed: N/A
Previous Crimes: TRUE
Previous Jail: TRUE
Previous Prison: TRUE

Death Information
Death Date: Jul 18, 2002 (Age 56)
Cause of Death: cancer
Death Location: the prison medical center inside Ely State Prison in Ely, White Pine County, Nevada, US
Killed In Prison: FALSE
Suicide: FALSE
10 Timeline Events of Serial Killer
Gerald Gallego

The 10 dates listed below represent a timeline of the life and crimes of serial killer Gerald Gallego. A complete collection of serial killer events can be found on our Serial Killer Timeline.

Date Event Description
Jul 17 1946Gerald Gallego was born in Sacramento, California, US.  #19460717
Jul 17 1966
(Age 20)
20th Birthday
Jul 17 1976
(Age 30)
30th Birthday
(Age 31/32)
Gerald Gallego started his serial killing spree. #1978
(Age 33/34)
Gerald Gallego ended his serial killing spree. #1980
Nov 17 1980
(Age 34)
Gerald Gallego arrested. #19801117
Jun 21 1983
(Age 36)
Gerald Gallego was convictedand sentenced to death by gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison in San Quentin, California, US.  #19830621
Jul 17 1986
(Age 40)
40th Birthday
Jul 17 1996
(Age 50)
50th Birthday
Jul 18 2002
(Age 56)
Gerald Gallegodied.cause of death:cancerat the prison medical center inside Ely State Prison in Ely, White Pine County, Nevada, US. #20020718
Back to top Serial Killers Active During

The following serial killers were active during the same time span as Gerald Gallego (1978-1980).

Serial Killers By Active Year

35 / 40
Serial Killer
Boolean Questions:
mother drug abuse TRUE 195
problems in school TRUE 221
physically defect TRUE 300
head injury TRUE 299
drug abuse TRUE 226
alcohol abuse TRUE 226
psychologist TRUE 258
previous crimes TRUE 367
previous jail TRUE 352
previous prision TRUE 336
kill at killers home TRUE 320
used weapon TRUE 453
used gun TRUE 451
rape TRUE 453
bound TRUE 406
strangle TRUE 443
robbed TRUE 418
living with children FALSE 268
suicide FALSE 225
killed in prison FALSE 218
teased in school FALSE 218
speach defect FALSE 300
forensic hospital FALSE 257
previous killed FALSE 208
kill at victims home FALSE 323
torture FALSE 426
stalk FALSE 418
blindfold FALSE 363
sex with body FALSE 430
mutilated FALSE 447
ate part of body FALSE 451
drank blood FALSE 442
posed body FALSE 365
totem body part FALSE 365
totem personal item FALSE 354

Books that Mention Gerald Gallego

Book: Serial Killer Stranglers (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
Kevin Smith
Serial Killer Stranglers
Book: Serial Killer Rapists (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
Kevin Smith
Serial Killer Rapists
Book: Serial Killers (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
Peter Vronsky
Serial Killers
Book: A Venom in the Blood (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
Eric Van Hoffman
A Venom in the Blood
Book: All his father's sins (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
Ray Biondi
All his father's sins
Book: The Sex Slave Murders True Crime Bu... (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
R. Barri Flowers
The Sex Slave Murders True Crime Bundle
Book: The Dynamics of Murder (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
R. Barri Flowers
The Dynamics of Murder
Book: The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers (mentions serial killer Gerald Gallego)
Michael Newton
The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers

8 Books that mention Serial Killer
Gerald Gallego

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
1733630600 Serial Killer Stranglers 164
1733630619 Serial Killer Rapists 266
0425196402 Serial Killers 24
0786006609 A Venom in the Blood 2
0914629344 All his father's sins 2
1501009036 The Sex Slave Murders Tru... 2
1466588756 The Dynamics of Murder 3
0816069875 The Encyclopedia of Seria... 108

Gerald Armond Gallego (July 17, 1946 – July 18, 2002) and Charlene Adell (Williams) Gallego (born October 10, 1956) are two American serial killers who terrorized Sacramento, California between 1978 and 1980. They murdered ten victims, mostly teenagers, most of whom they kept as sex slaves before killing them.

External References
  1. Gerald and Charlene Gallego on, Retrieved on Sep 29, 2018.
  2. Juan Ignacio Blanco, Gerald Armond GALLEGO on, Retrieved on Sep 29, 2018.
  3. Jordan Christensen, Crystal Cobb, Gerald Armond Gallego on, Retrieved on Sep 29, 2018.
  4. Gallego v. State, 711 P. 2d 856 - Nev: Supreme Court 1985 on, Retrieved on Sep 29, 2018.
  5. People v. Gallego, 802 P. 2d 169 - Cal: Supreme Court 1990 on, Retrieved on Sep 29, 2018.
  6. Gallego v. McDaniel, 124 F. 3d 1065 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit 1997 on, Retrieved on Sep 29, 2018.
  7. Q37944876 on, Retrieved on Oct 9, 2018.
  8. Gerald Gallego on, Retrieved on May 22, 2019.
Internal References

Gerald Gallego is included in the following pages on Killer.Cloud the Serial Killer Database

  1. #5 of 34[ Page 1 ] of Cancer Serial Killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  2. #6 of 41[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killers with birthdays in July
  3. #61 of 327[ Page 5 ] of Serial Killers active in the United States
  4. #69 of 250[ Page 5 ] of Serial Killer Stranglers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  5. #87 of 307[ Page 6 ] of Serial Killer Rapist sorted by Confirmed Victims
  6. #119 of 651[ Page 8 ] of serial killers sorted by Profile Completeness
  7. #166 of 651[ Page 12 ] of serial killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  8. #185 of 651[ Page 13 ] of the A-Z List of Serial Killers
  9. #358 of 651[ Page 24 ] of serial killers sorted by Years Active
Serial Killers Statistics, charts Gerald Gallego is included in: Active Serial Killers by Country, Serial Killers By Gender, Age of Serial Killer by Date, Killers By Astrological Sign, Killers By Birth Month, Sexual Preference, Birth Category, Active Serial Killers by Year and Statistical Boolean Questions.
Years Active: