Gary C. King (Author)

Gary C. King has authored/co-authored at least 9 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include and Joseph Edward Duncan. Westley Allan Dodd, Joanna Dennehy, Dayton Leroy Rogers, Robert Pickton, Andrew Urdiales, Donald Leroy Evans, Randall Brent Woodfield, Gary Charles Evans, Elias Abuelazam,

Gary C. King has 9 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include Bleak House Books, Pinnacle, Pinnacle Books, Macmillan, Bleak House Publishing, Gary C. King, Onyx, The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Gary C. King.

BLOOD LUST by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 1452410178
Gary C. King
Out For Blood by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 131125093x
Gary C. King
Out For Blood
Driven To Kill by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 1452454507
Gary C. King
Driven To Kill
Murder In Room 305 by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 1452434336
Gary C. King
Murder In Room 305
To Die For by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 1452445214
Gary C. King
To Die For
Love, Lies, And Murder by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 0786038446
Gary C. King
Love, Lies, And Murder
Butcher by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 0786019344
Gary C. King
Stolen in the Night by: Gary C. King ISBN10: 0312942052
Gary C. King
Stolen in the Night

9 books Authored by
Gary C. King

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
1452410178 BLOOD LUST 5
0786038446 Love, Lies, And Murder 1
0786019344 Butcher 2
0312942052 Stolen in the Night 1
131125093x Out For Blood 3
1452454507 Driven To Kill 2
1452434336 Murder In Room 305 1
1452445214 To Die For 1
0451403525 Blood Lust 1