Süleyman Aktaş

The Nailing Killer

  Active for 9 years
(1986-1994) in Turkey




Jump to:
  1. Summary
  2. Serial Killer Profile
  3. Serial Killer Type
  4. General Information
  5. Characteristics
  6. Childhood
  7. Cognitive Ability
  8. Incarceration
  9. Death
  10. 2 Timeline Events
  11. Serial Killers Active During Spree
  12. Boolean Statistical Questions
  13. 5 Books About Süleyman Aktaş
  14. 3 External References
  15. Internal References

Süleyman Aktaş a Turkish serial killer known as The Nailing Killer. Aktaş is responsible for the murders of five people in 1986 and 1994. In 1986, he killed police superintendent Nuri Keskin in Antalya, Turkey. In 1994, he killed four of his elderly neighbors. Aktaş killed victims by hammering nails into in the eyes and heads of his victims. Süleyman Aktaş was preventively detained by hospitalization after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Aktaş assaulted his roommate, the child killer Ömer Yılmaz, by hitting him in the head with a rock, Yılmaz survived the attack.

Süleyman Aktaş Serial Killer Profile

Serial Killer Süleyman Aktaş (aka) The Nailing Killer, was active for 9 years between 1986-1994, known to have ( 5 confirmed / 5 possible ) victims. This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: Turkey

Süleyman Aktaş a male citizen of Turkey.

Prior to his spree he had commited crimes, served time in jail, and served time in prison. He saw a psychologist and spent time in a Forensic Hospital.

In 1986 Süleyman Aktaş started his killing spree, during his crimes as a serial killer he was known to strangle, and murder his victims. At the time of his crimes he was living with himself, alone in Çambaşı, Bozkurt, Denizli, Turkey. He recently moved back from Denizli, where he was employed as a worker at the Turkish Electricity Company, where he was known to work as a serial killer.

Profile Completeness: 44%
serial killers by profile completeness

Süleyman Aktaş has been listed on Killer.Cloud since November of 2016 and was last updated 6 years ago.

Süleyman Aktaş a known:

Süleyman Aktaş
Serial Killer Profile:

Updated: 2019-02-02 Collected by Killer.Cloud
General Information
Name: Süleyman Aktaş
Nickname: The Nailing Killer
Victims: 5 - 5
Years Active: 1986 - 1994
Active Countries: Turkey
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Turkey
Sexual Preference: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Children: N/A
Living With: himself, alone in Çambaşı, Bozkurt, Denizli, Turkey. He recently moved back from Denizli, where he was employed as a worker at the Turkish Electricity Company
Occupation: serial killer
Childhood Information
D.O.B.: N/A
Given Name: Souleymane
Birth Location: Çambaşı, Bozkurt, Denizli, Turkey
Birth Order: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Raised By: N/A
Birth Category: N/A
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A

Cognitive Ability
Highest School: N/A
Highest Degree:

Arrested: N/A
Convicted: N/A
Sentence: preventively detained
Prison Location: Manisa Mental Health and Diseases Hospital in Manisa, Turkey
Executed: N/A
Previous Crimes: TRUE
Previous Jail: TRUE
Previous Prison: TRUE

Death Information
Death Date: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Death Location: N/A
Killed In Prison: N/A
Suicide: N/A
2 Timeline Events of Serial Killer
Süleyman Aktaş

The 2 dates listed below represent a timeline of the life and crimes of serial killer Süleyman Aktaş. A complete collection of serial killer events can be found on our Serial Killer Timeline.

Date Event Description
Süleyman Aktaş started his serial killing spree. #1986
Süleyman Aktaş ended his serial killing spree. #1994
Back to top Serial Killers Active During

The following serial killers were active during the same time span as Süleyman Aktaş (1986-1994).

Serial Killers By Active Year

13 / 40
Serial Killer
Boolean Questions:
psychologist TRUE 258
forensic hospital TRUE 257
previous crimes TRUE 367
previous jail TRUE 352
previous prision TRUE 336
strangle TRUE 443
rape FALSE 453
torture FALSE 426
stalk FALSE 418
sex with body FALSE 430
mutilated FALSE 447
ate part of body FALSE 451
drank blood FALSE 442

Books that Mention Süleyman Aktaş

Book: Martyrs, Traitors, and Patriots (mentions serial killer Süleyman Aktaş)
S. J. Laizer
Martyrs, Traitors, and Patriots
Book: At Europe's Borders (mentions serial killer Süleyman Aktaş)
Laurențiu Rădvan
At Europe's Borders
Book: Methods of Model Based Process Cont... (mentions serial killer Süleyman Aktaş)
R. Berber
Methods of Model Based Process Control
Book: Mevlâna Sekkâkî divanı (mentions serial killer Süleyman Aktaş)
Mevlâna Sekkâkî divanı
Book: A Strangeness in My Mind (mentions serial killer Süleyman Aktaş)
Orhan Pamuk
A Strangeness in My Mind

5 Books that mention Serial Killer
Süleyman Aktaş

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
1856493962 Martyrs, Traitors, and Pa... 1
9004180109 At Europe's Borders 1
0792335244 Methods of Model Based Pr... 1
9751611148 Mevlâna Sekkâkî divanı 1
9385890034 A Strangeness in My Mind 1

Süleyman Aktaş is a Turkish serial killer. Nicknamed "The Nailing Killer", he is responsible for five murders.Süleyman Aktaş was employed as a worker at the Turkish Electricity Company in Denizli, Turkey.

External References
  1. Q16148566 on www.wikidata.org, Retrieved on Feb 2, 2019.
  2. Süleyman Aktaş on en.wikipedia.org, Retrieved on Feb 2, 2019.
  3. 'Çivici Katil' Yine Saldırdı on www.haberler.com, Retrieved on Feb 2, 2019.
Internal References

Süleyman Aktaş is included in the following pages on Killer.Cloud the Serial Killer Database

  1. #3 of 651[ Page 1 ] of the A-Z List of Serial Killers
  2. #6 of 7[ Page 1 ] of Serial Killers active in Turkey
  3. #152 of 250[ Page 11 ] of Serial Killer Stranglers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  4. #180 of 651[ Page 12 ] of serial killers sorted by Years Active
  5. #369 of 651[ Page 25 ] of serial killers sorted by Confirmed Victims
  6. #471 of 651[ Page 32 ] of serial killers sorted by Profile Completeness
Serial Killers Statistics, charts Süleyman Aktaş is included in: Active Serial Killers by Country, Serial Killers By Gender, Active Serial Killers by Year and Statistical Boolean Questions.
Years Active: