Secrets in the Cellar by: John Glatt ISBN10: 1429967560
ISBN10 1429967560
TYPE 256 Page Book
RATING 3.8 / 5.0 Avg.
LAST UPDATED: 2016-12-03

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Secrets in the Cellar

Secrets in the Cellar

Secrets in the Cellar was written by and John Glatt. The 256 page book was published by Macmillan in 2009 with an ISBN 10 of 1429967560. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at or Google Books. If the book is older and/or out of print book try to locate a copy on Secrets in the Cellar mentions 1 serial killers including Elfriede Blauensteiner. The author John Glatt has 5 book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.

This book mentions 1 Serial Killers:

Book Summary

Josef Fritzl was a 73-year-old retired engineer in Austria. He seemed to be living a normal life with his wife, Rosemarie, and their family—though one daughter, Elisabeth, had decades earlier been "lost" to a religious cult. Throughout the years, three of Elisabeth's children mysteriously appeared on the Fritzls' doorstep; Josef and Rosemarie raised them as their own. But only Josef knew the truth about Elisabeth's disappearance... For twenty-seven years, Josef had imprisoned and molested Elisabeth in his man-made basement dungeon, complete with sound-proof paneling and code-protected electric locks. There, she would eventually give birth to a total of seven of Josef's children. One died in infancy—and the other three were raised alongside...

1 TotalAuthors

5 Books Books By John Glatt
Secrets in the Cellar by: John Glatt ISBN10: 1429967560 Cries in the Desert by: John Glatt ISBN10: 1429904712 Depraved by: John Glatt ISBN10: 0312936842 Internet Slave Master by: John Glatt ISBN10: 1429922249 Cradle of Death by: John Glatt ISBN10: 1429997052 View 5 books written by
Author John Glatt

1 Total Serial Killers Mentioned

7 Books Books about Elfriede Blauensteiner
Secrets in the Cellar by: John Glatt ISBN10: 1429967560 Female Serial Killers by: Peter Vronsky ISBN10: 1101205695 I'm No Monster by: Stefanie Marsh ISBN10: 1101151137 The Poisoner by: Gail Bell ISBN10: 0312320132 The Mammoth Book of Bizarre Crimes by: Robin Odell ISBN10: 1849014361 SERIAL KILLER MAGAZINE - ISSUE 7 - PUBLISHED BY SERIALKILLERCALENDAR.COM by: SERIALKILLERCALENDAR.COM SERIALKILLERCALENDAR.COM ISBN10: 131220141x View 7 books that mention
Serial Killer Elfriede Blauensteiner