The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up by: Lyndon E. Lafferty ISBN10: 0982936303
ISBN10 0982936303
TYPE 451 Page Book
LAST UPDATED: 2016-12-03

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The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up

The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up

The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up was written by and Lyndon E. Lafferty. The 451 page book was published by MANDAMUS in 2012 with an ISBN 10 of 0982936303. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at or Google Books. If the book is older and/or out of print book try to locate a copy on The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up mentions 1 serial killers including Zodiac Killer. The author Lyndon E. Lafferty has 1 book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.

This book mentions 1 Serial Killers:

Book Summary

The true identity of the psychotic ZODIAC killer has been known by the Mandamus Seven (group of retired law enforcement officers, federal agents, a minister, and a District Attorney) since March 15, 1971. This true story is now being told for the very first time. Official corruption and political intervention forced the investigation into a top secret, covert status, giving the insane ZODIAC killer immunity and a license to kill. His motive -- adultery! Mind and body ravaged by years of severe alcoholism, his blood-lusting revenge turned him into the most shocking and vicious killer in our 20th century. Through his tauntings of the police, his codes, ciphers, and letters, he was on a mission to redeem his shattered ego, to prove that he was...

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1 Books Books By Lyndon E. Lafferty
The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up by: Lyndon E. Lafferty ISBN10: 0982936303 View 1 books written by
Author Lyndon E. Lafferty

1 Total Serial Killers Mentioned

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