Jason Moss (Author)

Jason Moss has authored/co-authored at least 1 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include Keith Hunter Jesperson, Timothy Wilson Spencer, Ondrej Rigo, Yavuz Yapicioglu, Henry Lee Lucas, Robert Ben Rhoades, Maoupa Cedric Maake, and John Wayne Gacy. Hubert Pilcik, Long Island Serial Killer, Dennis Nilsen, Arthur Shawcross, Richard Ramirez, Albert DeSalvo, Elizabeth Wettlaufer, Nicholas Lungisa Ncama, Ripper Jayanandan, Hwaseong killer, West Mesa Killer, South Dade Killer, and 5 other serial killers.

Jason Moss has 1 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include Grand Central Publishing, The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Jason Moss.

The Last Victim by: Jason Moss ISBN10: 0759528306
Jason Moss
The Last Victim

1 books Authored by
Jason Moss

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
0759528306 The Last Victim 25