The Stickup Kids by: Randol Contreras ISBN10: 0520273370
ISBN10 0520273370
PUBLISHER Univ of California Press
PUBLISHED 2013 , 2012
TYPE 271 Page Book
RATING 4.0 / 5.0 Avg.
LAST UPDATED: 2018-08-08

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The Stickup Kids

The Stickup Kids

The Stickup Kids was written by and Randol Contreras. The 271 page book was published by Univ of California Press in 2013 (originally in 2012) with an ISBN 10 of 0520273370. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at or Google Books. If the book is older and/or out of print book try to locate a copy on The Stickup Kids mentions 1 serial killers including Paraquat murders killer. The author Randol Contreras has 1 book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.

This book mentions 1 Serial Killers:

Book Summary

Randol Contreras came of age in the South Bronx during the 1980s, a time when the community was devastated by cuts in social services, a rise in arson and abandonment, and the rise of crack-cocaine. For this riveting book, he returns to the South Bronx with a sociological eye and provides an unprecedented insider’s look at the workings of a group of Dominican drug robbers. Known on the streets as “Stickup Kids,” these men raided and brutally tortured drug dealers storing large amounts of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and cash. As a participant observer, Randol Contreras offers both a personal and theoretical account for the rise of the Stickup Kids and their violence. He mainly focuses on the lives of neighborhood friends, who went from being...

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1 Books Books By Randol Contreras
The Stickup Kids by: Randol Contreras ISBN10: 0520273370 View 1 books written by
Author Randol Contreras

1 Total Serial Killers Mentioned

12 Books Books about Paraquat murders killer
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Serial Killer Paraquat murders killer