Roger Harrington (Author)

Roger Harrington has authored/co-authored at least 9 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include Harold Shipman, Luis Garavito, Paul John Knowles, Tommy Lynn Sells, and Alexander Pichushkin. William Bonin, Donald Henry Gaskins, Charles Edmund Cullen,

Roger Harrington has 9 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include , The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Roger Harrington.

9 books Authored by
Roger Harrington

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
198103837x Serial Killer Stories Volume 4 2
1973377780 Donald Henry Gaskins 1
1980731713 The Casanova Killer 1
198103711x Serial Killer Stories Volume 2 2
1980749779 The Brutal Texan 1
1983034517 The Freeway Killer 1
1983033731 Alexander Pichushkin 1
1980542619 Harold Shipman 1
1980732108 The Angel of Death 1