Murder on the Rails by: Tanya Chalupa ISBN10: 0882824457
ISBN10 0882824457
PUBLISHER New Horizon Press
PUBLISHED 2012 , 2004
TYPE 320 Page Book
RATING 3.8 / 5.0 Avg.
LAST UPDATED: 2018-08-08

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Murder on the Rails

Murder On The Rails

Murder on the Rails was written by Tanya Chalupa, and William G. Palmini, Jr.. The 320 page book was published by New Horizon Press in 2012 (originally in 2004) with an ISBN 10 of 0882824457. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at or Google Books. If the book is older and/or out of print book try to locate a copy on Murder on the Rails mentions 1 serial killers including Robert Joseph Silveria. The author Tanya Chalupa has 1 book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.

This book mentions 1 Serial Killers:

Book Summary

When a down-on-his-luck Vietnam veteran is found bludgeoned to death at a railroad trackside campsite frequented by drifters, Detective Bill Palmini is called in to solve the vicious murder. Similarly brutialized bodies are discovered in rail yards and camps across the country. Palmini and his team find themselves immersed in the harsh world of the Freight Train Riders of America, a brotherhood of vagrants who live by a twisted code of thievery, fraud and violence. After a suspect, Robert Silveria, is apprehended, a strange bond forms between killer and copy during intense, chilling interrogations. The media dub Silveria "The Boxcar Serial Killer." Fascinating and horrifying, Murder on the Rails is a finely wrought true crime thriller.

2 TotalAuthors

1 Books Books By Tanya Chalupa
Murder on the Rails by: Tanya Chalupa ISBN10: 0882824457 View 1 books written by
Author Tanya Chalupa
1 Books Books By William G. Palmini,...
Murder on the Rails by: Tanya Chalupa ISBN10: 0882824457 View 1 books written by
Author William G. Palmini, Jr.

1 Total Serial Killers Mentioned

12 Books Books about Robert Joseph Silveria
You Can't Win by: Jack Black ISBN10: 1627932755 The Mammoth Book of Killers at Large by: Nigel Cawthorne ISBN10: 1780333625 Nobody's Women by: Steve Miller ISBN10: 1101611464 Serial Murder by: Ronald M. Holmes ISBN10: 1412974429 Murder on the Rails by: Tanya Chalupa ISBN10: 0882824457 Movie Roadshows by: Kim R. Holston ISBN10: 0786460628 View 12 books that mention
Serial Killer Robert Joseph Silveria