Forensic DNA Typing by: John M. Butler ISBN10: 0080470610
ISBN10 0080470610
PUBLISHER Academic Press
PUBLISHED 2005 , 2001
TYPE 688 Page Book
RATING 4.3 / 5.0 Avg.
LAST UPDATED: 2016-11-29

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Forensic DNA Typing

Forensic DNA Typing: Biology, Technology, and Genetics of STR Markers

Forensic DNA Typing was written by and John M. Butler. The 688 page book was published by Academic Press in 2005 (originally in 2001) with an ISBN 10 of 0080470610. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at or Google Books. If the book is older and/or out of print book try to locate a copy on Forensic DNA Typing mentions 1 serial killers including Derrick Todd Lee. The author John M. Butler has 2 book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.

This book mentions 1 Serial Killers:

Book Summary

Since the enormously successful first edition of Forensic DNA Typing was published, the Human Genome Project has published a draft sequence of the human genome and completed the “finished reference sequence. The advent of modern DNA technology has resulted in the increased ability to perform human identity testing—desirable in a number of situations including the determination of perpetrators of violent crime such as murder and rape, resolving unestablished paternity, and identifying remains of missing persons or victims of mass disasters. The technology has been utilized in identifying remains from victims of the World Trade Center twin towers collapse following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the President Clinton-Monica Lewi...

1 TotalAuthors

2 Books Books By John M. Butler
Forensic DNA Typing by: John M. Butler ISBN10: 0080470610 Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing by: John M. Butler ISBN10: 0080961762 View 2 books written by
Author John M. Butler

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